Saturday, September 26, 2020

DrRic Hiking Excursion Devils Lake 2020 Itinerary


Devils Lake State Park Wisconsin


October 24th Evening under the stars roll call / October 25th Full Hike around Devils Lake 

Rally Point prior to hike will be The Concession Stand on the North Shore of the Lake 7:00AM Oct 25th (if no rain)

Accommodations Suggestions:

1-Tent/ RV campgrounds NO LONGER AVAILABLE

2-Best Western Baraboo Inn (but be prepared to cancel week of hike IF rain is forecasted as rock face very slippery with moisture)

3-Wisconsin Dells 

4-Drive morning of event (note rally time at northern lake short meeting cabin is 7am!!!

Map and Link to AllTrails

Hiking Schedule:

Every Sunday 2-3 hours, 5 mile hike with back packs

September 27th Mallard Lake to Hawk Hollow 7.4 miles DONE!

October 4th Morton Arboretum to Big Rock 5.9 miles

October 11th Sag Valley Yellow Tan trail loop +/- Swallow Cliff Stairs

October 18th St James Farm +/- Mt Hoy at Blackwell Forest Preserve

Rain Alternative to be declared week of October 20th (Starved Rock State Park alternative)

Training Schedule:

During the week before each meet up, leg work with trainers, core work with trainers, flexibility with yoga teachers nutrition work with DrRic

Sunday "DrRic Walk and Learn" topics:

A: Training for Endurance Lactic Acid Threshhold

B: Sleep and Muscle Recovery Herbs Nutrition

C: High Altitude Acclimatization

D: Equipment for Long Hikes National Parks


medium sized back pack for water food clothing

walking sticks

hiking boots