Recently heard someone say-he (the new love) was a gift from God. Still recuperating from the last "gift", it would seem that meeting someone new would be the universe paying back the heart ache it caused last time. (If that's the case.....I got a big refund coming!) Truth is the universe doesn't do things for spite, doesn't pay back, has no intention to single-handedly cause everything to come crashing down. Events happen, life happens, no secondary gain, no vendetta. The way one interprets the event depends on if you are living in the past/afraid for the future or just basking in the present moment. A marketing guy once told me; "I know you like doing good things for everyone but I am interested in prosperity and abundance. I told him there is nothing wrong with prosperity, health, abundance.....I have tasted it and feel I attract it. The problem I see is we base these on material accumulation. Monetary value is one thing, (it pays the bills) but no way does it equate with the other. I love the way Wayne Dyer says he lives to serve the universe the best way that only he can. When this occurs, there will always be a feeling that this is right, that feeling of success is hardwired into our DNA in efforts to help sustain the species. If killing and living in isolation was the best way for man to survive, Darwin would have predicted extinction by now. Any culture no matter the language spoken, if watching a touching event, will have that tight feeling in the chest, a fullness in the throat and a tear in the eye form. Compassion is meant to be repeated over and over again. (Kind of like the way George Carlin used to say God wanted the eyes to be sensitive so he sprinkled a lot of nerves into creation, same with the mouth, ears and nose. When it came to the reproductive organs....he poured the whole bottle of nerves saying; I want them to shout my name!) I believe Hollywood is a combination of mass hysteria and industry driven secondary gain. This facade of success being the biggest bank account or top grossing record or friend status on Facebook. It will never sustain a lasting feeling of happiness, there will always be something lacking, causing the seeker to go out and accumulate more of the same empty reward. One of the biggest reasons for hoarding is we are told who we are is based on what we have. Deepak has a great saying: "We spend money we don't have on things we don't need to please people we don't like." In my lectures, I always mention the true healer writes prescriptions for nutrition, grounding and movement. I feel more than the rescue medicines I prescribe, the biggest impact on life is made when I can help a person find the substance inside them that feels true reward. Helping people realize their strengths and not just point out weaknesses and then guiding back to the path of bliss that we kind of got introduced to in highschool and college but then promptly reconstructed by society to do what is available in the job market that will make the most money in the least amount of time. When so overwhelmed with maintaining the facade of success and a place in society, we sometimes don't recognize the beauty of common everyday bliss that just past by. In the case of a person in mourning from a loss, honoring what we once had is fine, lamenting on the fact that we don't have the relationship anymore, will bring all the focus of everyday life on the past and not what is happening so beautifully right now, under our noses. -Living in the Now as written by Eckart Tolle. Sometimes placing attention on those basic concepts of what can I do best that will serve this world -will turn out to be the most fulfilling and rewarding. (...this is usually what we dream of as kids/adolescents....think back right now on what you used to love doing!!) I dont mean to forget responsibility to family, ignore bills, disobey the 10 commandments or break the law. That would go without saying, but if during those times when the brain for a split second contemplates, "what should I do?" -acting in a benevolent way is an option and will always have a positive outcome. When you are one with the universe....the cool thing is there will never be any thought of events occurring for spite, revenge, payback, or secondary gain.