We have incorporated summer vacation into our family ritual. Its so easy to say, lets just stay in Chicago....theres so much to do here and its a hassle to plan an outing. Many more excuses can be created in the depth of my mind but its so fulfilling when the vacation is over and the memories of time spent away from the normal ritual are permanently burning into the temporal lobe of my brain. I have to praise collective thinking as to how great ideas are creatively morphed and then carried out. If it wasnt for the sharing of the initial intention and desire between me and my beloved, then her and her siblings, I dont think the idea of "where should we take the kids before school starts" would have blossomed just because- I'm to busy with promoting my clinic, giving lectures and growing my practice. I love the way a small spark of an idea can be shared with like-minded people and especially with the speed of communication now-a-days, a well planned concept can be effortlessly developed. People all have dormant talents that sometimes go unrecognized until a spark ignites that center in the heart chakra. Once ignition happens, its like this inborn desire continues to drive the individual to creatively expound on what they feel is the right way to "celebrate" the idea that was initiated. Usually in giving group, this inspires others to contribute to the growing idea in their own way. ( ie...one person is great at shouting out the idea to the group, one person is great at searching for flights and houses, one person is great at cooking meals, one person is great for planning events, one person is great at packing the whole kitchen to make sure we dont forget anything.....) When everyone contributes their individual talents, no matter how small, the "universal idea" that was started with a thought...takes off with all details being covered and in the end....almost no effort being recalled as to how did we launch this massive plan into reality.
I feel this speaks to the concept of surrounding yourself with like minded individuals. Equally important is to "shed" the relationships that seem to foster alot of energy just to end up with a feeling of I didnt feel good about spending time with that person. Some people have not matured to the point of realizing the universe isnt here for YOU; you are created to contribute to IT. Those people who pollute, eat without guilt, cheat taxes, cut in line, disturb the peace, spread rumors, insult others....all have an agenda to be self serving. When your intentions and desires are geared to just bring energy to you and not to grow or contribute to the good of all, you become an "enery drain" to your family, your friends, your coworkers, your community, your race.....and yeah, even the planet.
In the end, something that started as an idea and blossomed into an experience that my kids, neices and nephews will remember as "I remember feeling good about myself when we all participated in that trip way back in 2011", makes it worthwhile to share ideas with other likeminded individuals.