Tonight, took care of a 15 y/o who was running in the school hallway and fell backward. I thought he was screwing around but turns out another team had the gym so the indoor track team had to run in the hallways! I used to do this in the 70's during winter track and this was before technology was developed for sneaker soles. I remember seeing the "waffle" sole for the first time and wondering how in the world can anyone get good traction with these soft rubber nipples sticking out from under the shoes. Well, now in this high tech time of protein supplements, 200-300 dollar running shoes, internet running clubs, high tech water......there are still schools that have their runners train in the hallway! I shared this memory with the student and his parents and of course gave some free advise about running and performance enhancement with his running and football training.
What is more online for tonight's problem is about an asthmatic that came in after being seen 2-3 days ago for asthma. Given an albuterol inhaler to help breath temporarily (4hours) and a steroid called prednisone to speed up the lungs fixing the inflammation that was causing the wheezing. She worked for a nursing home as an assistant and made a little money. Unfortunately, this was enough of a paycheck to not qualify for a medical card. She was now responsible for paying for an emergency room visit last time that came out to 400-500 dollars. And now again since she was slowing getting better but still having problems breathing, has to come in again to get reevaluated to make sure nothing was wrong. I was wondering why the previous doctor didn't maximize on her medicines and give her everything possible to "cool" down the asthma so she would turn around fast. Well, I did what the other doc did and after evaluation, gave her a nebulizer treatment with medicine steamed through a small hand held machine with a liquid medicine going straight to the deepest portions of her lung tissues. This makes a faster difference than the 10 dollar inhaler she is using every 4 hours. Inhaled steroids would be good...yeah so I wrote a script for something but called the pharmacy and found out one little inhaler costs 200 bucks! Asked about a few different older ones and all were 100-200 each! Tried to get her a long acting albuterol inhaler so she wouldnt have to hit the rescue inhaler so often but that also was 100-200 dollars! I couldn't find anyone even walmart or kmart discount drugs to cover anything. I felt so bad for this lady but exhausted all I knew to help her get better medicines. I even tried to give her a nebulizer which I did find medicines for that walmart had for 4$ only but the nebulizer machine itself was 100-200$.
How do people trying to make a living support not only their health but the lives of their kids? In Illinois we have an All Kids Program. Even before that, how can a medicine that lasts a month and saves lives cost 100-200dollars? Really I know the answer but it sounds powerful to throw a rhetorical question out in anger. In business weekly I read of how hospitals are joining with finance companies to collect from people who visit and get care without health insurance. Not that hospitals shouldn't charge for services rendered but when will the escalating prices ever plateau? Drug companies arent helping either. Listening to Suze Orman in the background she is touting not to discount yourself to others. When you undervalue yourself to the world, the world with undervalue you! So I also should not give out care at a discount and learn to charge top dollar since not too many doctors do what I do.
Bull! I always tell my daughter hatred is infectious, mob mentality is infectious, the less you know, the more you can be influenced. This countrywide problem of healthcare is too big to stop. But you know what, I will not play the same game, that lady will be spending alot to turn off her asthma in the next 1-2 weeks but I will get her to make some changes with diet and exercise so next winter she hopefully wont get sick and if she does, she will have the knowledge to calm down the lungs before they flare up to the point of having to come to the ER which is probably the most expensive way to see a doctor quickly. I also tell my daughter smiling is infectious so is a good deed. I see she always goes out of her way to protect her friends and as long has she doesn't make naive choices, I will continue to support her for being giving. Hopefully my teaching has already paid off and she can make a bigger difference in society than me.
The Saguil Approach to asthma-
avoid smoke
improve on omega 3 fishoil intake
decrease alleric response with stinging nettles
improve bowel function the entrance point to many of the triggers for asthma (probiotics)
the antiinflammatory diet....whole grain, decrease animal protein, decrease dairy
increaseing lung volume, deep breathing exercises breath holding (swimming, yoga, meditation)
biofeedback, emotional freedom technique for psychotherapy
change the environment; pets, flowers, molds, cold, dirt, dust, food.