Tuesday, October 27, 2020

(in)Convenient Care Center

Inconvenient Dead End

The last 5yrs has led to society embracing short cutting.

The “hack” has been synonymous with lifestyle change.

Everyone wants the 7 figures, millions of followers and immediate reversal of suffering but no one wants the arduous task of investing in learning.

In my time it was Cliff Notes night before a big final exam.

Now it’s stacked steroids, tummy tucks, testosterone, credit cards, catered food and a prescription dependant population. 

Being active was exercise and organized sports during school years followed by work force labor for the rest of life.  Now exercise has been substituted with computer time and hard labor is considered hallmark of lower class and minimum wage.

Exercise has been relinquished as a luxury and true dedication to sweat is just given during the month of January for a few weeks of attempting to get back to “high school weight” till an injury kicks you back to the reality of being overweight and out of shape. 

Exercise SHOULD begin with an experienced coach, guru,  mentor to evaluate goals, experience, short comings and resources. The usual excuse that is coughed up immediately is I don’t need a coach-I know what to do / I just have to do it!


If one truly knew what their circumstances needed to course correct from the abyss of hospitalization and medical procedures...it would have been engaged and continued in sustainable ritual.  What most people think is that running like a Kenyan or lifting like an NFL Lineman is the outcome of exercise.

That is the sexy part of achievement but what most New Years resolution promises do NOT afford is to witness the 10-20 years of slinging mud, crying with frustration, packing in the gym clothes for rehab visits, watching friends eat without remorse .... and being very very hungry!!! 

No one will engage the unsexy part AND most will attempt to “Cliff Note” their way to hollywood lifestyles.

When I analyze the excuses, I tell people it’s human to give up  on an outcome...(I’m 58 yrs old and always wanted to be an Olympian) but we should never give up on hope (I may never get to the Olympics but I can talk to my God, figure out what my motivation is in real-time and put all hands on deck for a course correction). We always have a choice, agency, karma...the person who takes-on suffering...will hopefully see that there is EM-POWER-MENT in trying. (It’s ok to never being Olympic material OR being a  physician that will never fit into the status quo of a prescription pusher OR being a yoga studio owner who is being kicked off the cliff of being a business owner by the universe)

I do not feel it’s in my best interest or the health of my patients to follow the vehemently enforced medical standard but I maintain HOPE and reconfigure my direction with faith that my destination will show up if I maintain dedication to healing all that I meet.

There are a lot of dead ends in the rat maze and depending on where you are it may seem like you should give up but just know there is an exit somewhere.  Whether its injury or failure to maintain a business...(plan on not having six pack abs or 7 figure salaries but still show up to the gym floor, work or the unemployment line) keep moving, it’s ok to accept the reality of the situation we are in, trust the universe has something it needs you for, and ask what can I do with this- DON’T GIVE UP, THE WORLD NEEDS YOU!